JIMNLIN wrote:
1. Find out your loaded weight to make sure you are not exceeding GVWR
Actually on a rv trailer its the axle load rating (tire..wheel...suspension...axle) we don't want to exceed.
A GVWR on a RV trailer can be the sum of the GAWRs plus hitch weight that the tow vehicle carries.
Weighing is a good idea on a truck trailer combo for a GCW. However the driver will need to know if a tow vehicles steer...drive...or trailer axle rating isn't over loaded.
When you weigh a trailer, the trailer axles go on a separate scale from the truck itself, which has separate scales for steer and drive. In other words, you'll have answers to all of those questions (GVW of tow unit, GCW, and axle weights for each truck axle and the trailer axles).