mlh wrote:
In my opinion, I believe a lot of the China Bomb posts lately are caused by using tires that can't handle the weight. (Maybe the user is overloading the TT, maybe the factory installed too low of a load range tire) Since most of the TT's come with the china made tires, there are a lot of them out there. That means a greater number will fail when you are talking percentages. When they fail, all people hear are "change to good year endurance." When they replace tires, most go to load range E and above and no other issues. I'd be willing to bet that the load range fixed the issues and NOT the fact that it was a Good Year endurance tire. But....everyone has their own kool-aid to drink.
beemerphile1 wrote:
Consider this, if 90 percent of the tires on towables are made in China, doesn't it also make sense that 90 percent of the failures will be tires made in China? People piling on about China made tires failing are missing this obvious fact.
For example; if 90 percent of all cars on the road are pink, it would make sense that 90 percent of the cars involved in accidents are pink.
You guys are wasting your breath. None of that matters on these boards. The fact that the RV Industry puts at least 1,300,000 new tires on the road every year, most of which come from China, and the roads are not choked with traffic jams from all these exploding tires matters not. Don't forget the amount of Chinese tires on landscape/flat/utility trailers, horse trailers, box trailers etc, most made in China. By the comments on RV boards you should see multiple trailers with flat tires every time you venture out on the highway. In any case you should see one every time you drive anywhere. Then there is the fact that you see hardly any recalls if any on these Chinese tires over at the NHTSA, but that does not apply on these boards either.