When a company intentionally jerks around its customers, the customer's natural impulse is to mention getting a lawyer; the connotation in this context, for this term "lawyer", simply means trying to "get justice and fair dealing" especially against an organization which, by its actions, appears hostile.
Its pretty weak to use this as an excuse to censor someone's open complaint on a forum. Perhaps there are no complaints allowed against certain brands sponsoring this site, as has been implied here. If that is the case, it means only positive manufacturer reviews are allowed, i.e. the site is censored in favor of the sponsors. It should be pointed out that Users also provide a lot of unsolicited GOOD input on products and how they have been treated. This should be the goal of this site to get unbiased inputs from users on their experiences. There is no reason to delete a reasonable complaint against an RV industry participant.
My observation is that the people on this site also have a pretty high "BS meter" when it comes to complaints of this nature, so having someone censor a view, as long as it is presented clearly should not be grounds for it to disappear.