Thanks for all the advice, guys. I'm continuously amazed at how much there is to learn about trailer-life! It can be overwhelming at times, but not if I take it piece by piece as the learning opportunities present themselves. I'm not at home at the moment, but I will test out the theory that there is not leak when the valve is fully opened when I get return. Either way, I'm buying some of that yellow gasket tape!
Chris Bryant wrote:
It looks like you have teflon tape on the POL fitting- not a good thing- the original would be brass to brass, on the one you have, there is a rubber o-ring type seal.
The regulator is the wrong type, as well. It should be a 2 stage, with the vent vertical, not horizontal.
Lastly, white teflon should not be used on LP fittings- full density yellow is used, or better, pipe dope approved for LP use.