Though Ive never checked parasitic loads on the camper I imagine higher than truck.
A 3amp draw is a lot, would pull batteries down pretty quick, days , but I don't believe what your seeing is parasitic load. What your measuring "mystery volts" is residual power in system if battery(s) disconnected. Wont help you identify, well much of anything.
Mysterious maybe but why you don't start touching stuff on any electrical thats just been unplugged-you can still get shocked. Until that 'stored' power bleeds off. Though you may indeed have power 'leaking' thru converter- tested as I understand, isn't verifying that.
Curious Im going to go meter our camper-turn off batts & solar see how long it takes to bleed system down and numbers I might see. I'll also check that turning light on will bleed it off. Reconnect power see what the draw is to reinitialize system, (though our converter is newer I assume it will still 'power up'), and then turn off solar and check parasitic load between camper and batteries just to see.
I'm not assuming anything here but to measure parasitic draw of camper, meter between source and load, batteries need to be connected, unless your meter can provide that? With everything turned off pull one cable, I use neg. though on our camper I think i can check at master disconnect-hmm, meter (@ max amps)between battery cable & battery post.