Good afternoon again.
After reading the original post it looks there are 2 issues here
1 - R/V Batteries not charging from the Trucks alternator
2 - Voltage Meter countdown in the R/V when no battery present in the R/V and the electrical pig tail is disconnected from the truck to the trailer
So take the easiest one first - #2
I fully agree that somewhere in the R/V there are capacitors in a device that is causing your volt meter to "countdown" Its the only answer as all other forms of 12v power source have been removed.
Also there is no way this device or devices with capacitors inside them would have any effect on the charging circuit from your Truck to the trailer. Now as soon as 12 vdc is applied, you have in effect "re-charged" the capacitors in what ever device they are in. Hence another count down begins
Hidden power draw in R/vs
Every R/V is going to have some hidden draw when the R/V is not in use. Your electronic boards/hardwire propane/carbon-monoxide detectors and even some radios will draw current (Amps)when not in use. The accepted rule of thumb is 3/4 to 1 amp - per hour.
So lets tackle the issue of the truck not charging the R/V batteries.
You need to start at the source and that would be the truck rear pigtail. You will need to look in your Trucks manual or sometime the cover of that pigtail there is a diagram of the wiring. You need to confirm that there is power present constantly - while the truck is running. If not - I would suggest you trailer tow fuse is blown in the truck fuse block or in rare instances the trailer/tow relay that opens and closes to protect your Truck battery's from discharging is bad.
So for the sake of argument - you have 12dc present at the bargman plug (7 pin connector) in the rear of your truck.
You now need to check if you have 12dc power coming into the R/V itself. I would do this with/out the R/V battery's in place, so that you do not get a false reading from the R/V battery's. You should be reading above 14vdc. I recently came across a situation with my friends Truck Camper battery stop receiving a charge and after an hour of trouble shooting, found both side of the charge wire(Truck side & R/V side)were fine - BUT the copper terminal inside the plugs was crappy looking.A dab of die-electric grease (from NAPA) and working the male plugs in and out several times, voila - charging was restored.
P/S - My vote is going to be a bad grounding wire someplace!!!!