First, a 6 year old battery is pretty old, next, connecting the 12.3v battery and the 12.9 in parallel bassically got you a pair of batteries limited by weakest battery in the pair.
When batteries go bad they drain much faster than when new so it's likely that your actual amp hour capacity left in that bank is much less than when new and what you were used to.
The 12v draw on a Dometic fridge is more than the thermostat, it's the ignition circuit and the 12v anti condensation heater that most Dometic frigs have. Open the frig door and feel the frame between the frig and the freezer...if it's warm it's running on 12v. There may be a switch for it up under the top power panel (you will need to open the freezer door to see it but many do not have a switch, the heater is always on.
Water heater, mine has about .5 amp current draw.
Plus there's the parasitic load of the co2 detector and possibly a few other things...usually between .5 and 1.5 amps.
If I were to guess I would guess old batteries.