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looper's avatar
Aug 22, 2013

Need help with tongue jack (long, sorry)

Help! I can't get the search to put me on a thread that addresses my problem. Any links to a thread or just posts with help would be appreciated.

I have a Barker 3500 tongue jack. It quit working in one direction the last time I used it. It has always done fine in the up direction but I always had to click the switch a couple of time to get it running full speed in the down position. I call Barker and they send me a new switch which I install. Same problem, only moves in one direction. The motor works fine in both direction when I switch the power leads. Call Barker back and they say it is a bad ground. I have cleaned all three contacts on the jack to the tongue and the main trailer ground down to bare metal. No change in problem. As you can tell I am not an electrician so I am stuck. Anybody got a suggestion or thread that will get me to the next step in solving this problem?
  • Thanks. That gives me some direction on what to try next. Not sure if this jack has those micro switches or where they are. Can't find them on the schematic but will look for them.
  • You have a failed micro switch. The jack has two of them and they act as limit switches. When mine failed I found they wee available from the factory for $30 or about $5 at an electronics supply house.

    Look for two switches like this;
  • Here is the schematic.

    I have the same unit and I believe it is grounded by using an external tooth (scratch) washer
    with one of the MTG bolts?

    First thing I would do using your meter is make sure there is +12V at both switch pins when toggled.
    Using the schematic test GND pin to black wire pin and GND pin to red wire pin
    If 12 volts at pins work towards motor
    If no 12V work towards battery
  • Thanks for your responses.
    Yes the wires are correct. Connected same as from factory. I don't suspect it to be the wiring to the switch since it works in both directions if I switch the wires. Since I have two switches I hope it is not the switch.

    Now I am going to show my ignorance so don't laugh. Taking HD's suggestion, I unhooked the switch and the battery on the trailer. I metered the hot side to ground and it pegged my antique analog meter at 0. Does that mean the windings have gone to ground and the motor is bad?
  • Does the wiring that goes to the switch have terminals on them? If so I would cut them off
    and replace. Sounds like one has failed. Especially with the intermittent problems you had

  • “The motor works fine in both direction when I switch the power leads”

    Leads me to believe the problem is still in the switch or the wiring to the switch…
  • Are you sure that you have the wires in the correct positions on the switch?

    The power should be in the middle position, the up and down on the outboard positions.

    If that is not the problem, use a multimeter to check the continuity in the motor head.

    You have what in my opinion is the best jack on the market.