It is supposed to get down to 20 degrees tomorrow night in Arlington. Don't take a chance. Winterize! If you have an air compressor with an adjustable pressure regulator and a fitting for the city water supply the cost of a gallon of the pink stuff is insignificant. If you are slow it should take less than an hour.
This is a repeat of some of the steps above but this is the way I do it. I use the air compressor method. Essentially this involves: draining the 3 tanks, run the water pump dry, open the low point drains, drain the water heater, bypass the water heater, put 35 psi air on the city water inlet, and open each faucet in turn to blow out until you only get air. Blow out the toilet water supply. Blow out the black tank blow down line.
Leave the low point drains open until spring. Reinstall the water heater lower plug after it has been drained. Put some pink stuff (RV anti-freeze available at Wal-Mart) in the sink drains and enough in the shower drain to get it into the gray tank discharge valve. Also put some pink stuff in the toilet and flush to get it into the black tank discharge valve. Leave a little pink stuff in the toilet. Next spring or your next camping trip redo the heater bypass back to normal and close the low point drains.