Photomike wrote:
Reddog1 wrote:
Eric&Lisa wrote:
H2oSprt wrote:
The truck is 10 yeas old 100k miles, runs good but things are starting to need a bit more maintenance. Thoughts?
The cheapest vehicle to drive is the one you already own. Let's say the alternator or water pump goes out. Sure, you drop a few C-notes this month to fix it. But then it is done. Versus a payment where you drop a lot of C-notes every month for the next 60-72 months!
I have no idea your skill set, and I apologize if the following generalization doesn't fit you. Truck camper people tend to be more do-it-yourself types than the Class-A-parked-at-Camping-World types. You can definitely save time & money by doing a lot of the little maintenance yourself. Transmission filter, fuel filter, air filter, belt, etc.
Keep the truck, get it on a TLC maintenance plan, and go camping!
I absolutely agree with Eric's post. Especially if the truck and/or TC are paid for. Paid for or not, cost a lot of money to to replace. Hard for me to imagine very many miles as a kid shuttle.
How many years and how far to shuttle kids might influence my decision, but I doubt it. Once a month or more, I would use the truck for a store run. I seldom take my TC off. I have left it parked for four months, but only a couple of times. My truck is diesel, 250,000. I have no intention of replacing it. I recently had the transmission rebuilt. I intend to repair or have it repaired as it breaks.
Getting off topic a little but I also 100% agree. I have a 2002 GMC 2500HD and other than one annoying thing (no power windows)there really is not a reason to sell, trade or upgrade. IF I was using as a daily driver then I would get a newer truck, but for my camper truck and occasional hauler of large items I have no reason. I can drop 3 - 5 grand a year into the truck for repairs and still be further ahead than buying a new truck. PLUS there is nothing to say that a newer truck will not have problems or end up costing you in non warranty repairs and upgrades.
All Sage advice.
My truck camper has not been off my truck since it was put on it, in 2008. No problems.
I agree, keep the truck and get something else for daily runs and car pools. But if you are carrying other people's kids, check with your insurance company if there is any other line item that is needed. Don't accept any monies for this, either.
By all means, find a vehicle with airbags and safety equipment that is up to date. Carrying children should be the most important thing you ever do with your car and do it safely.
Safe Travels.