Forum Discussion

H2oSprt's avatar
Sep 24, 2014

Never remove camper?

I've got the call up to run the local school car pool and the Truck just doesn't hold enough kids to get the job done. I'm considering two options get a suburban and a tent trailer or leave camper on the truck full time and get mini van or something that will transport my three kids and three friends to school.

My concern is leaving the truck out of use for extended periods of time, we camp a lot during the summer and probably average a trip every two months or so September- May.

The truck is 10 yeas old 100k miles, runs good but things are starting to need a bit more maintenance. Thoughts?
  • We camp all year round at least twice a month. Even if the truck was only used for these trips, it would be fine. If you're not going to camp that often, drive it around every other weekend to keep things moving.
  • I leave mine on all the time. Class C's are on all the time. I have not had a problem. Just use it more to justify it :-)
  • My truck is a hauler and only used for vacations or hauling a load for a house project. I do occasionally drive it, maybe once a month, just so the tires aren't flat on one side. LOL!
  • I guess it depends on how you use your camper. For us it is the only real option besides tent camping as we often have something in tow or go off road where a TT wouldn't work when we camp.
    If I didn't do either of these things, I would have a TT over a TC.
    IMO it rarely pencils out financially to have a separate commuter or car pool vehicle in your case vs the cost of owning and running a big truck or SUV as your sole vehicle.
    I personally could not live without a pickup but if you're considering leaving the TC on the truck full time then that is not a concern for you.
    So best decision financially is to get a SUV that will do dual duty. A minivan will not save enough gas plus all the other costs to justify. Unless the school commute is a long distance. Even then you'd have to run the numbers.
    You mention a tent trailer though and most real minivans could pull a tent trailer easily so???
  • I love you guys :)

    So no worries with a truck sitting for weeks to months at a time?
  • It will be less expensive to get a "carpool" vehicle then it will to get a new carpool vehicle that can do double duty as a tow vehicle. Also, the extra kids for carpooling could go out the window at any time - I wouldn't change my preferred camping style for someone else's kids who may or may not need a ride in 4 months.

    If you are looking for an excuse to justify selling the truck & camper and buying an SUV and TT, then go for it.
  • You could get rid of the KIDS! The money saved will more than pay for a new truck AND camper.