Thank you to all!!!! Updated the original post with a daytime pic with the tow mirrors on our way north today!
TucsonJim wrote:
BUT... It's a Chevy! Just kidding. Nice looking truck. I know when I went from an '02 1500 to a '04 2500, the difference was amazing. When I'd set my FW onto the 1500 (the dealer said it could handle it no problem), the bed went down 3-1/2 inches. When I traded up to the 2500, which I should have had in the first place, the bed went down 1 inch!
From what I found, I think our truck was a Wed build, so hopefully it won't be "Found On Road...." Lol!!! Sorry, couldn't resist!!! TY!!!!!
APT wrote:
Very nice! I love that color. Unless you had the 6.2L in your 1500, you are going to love the 6.0L/3.73/6-spd. I recommend using tow/haul mode and M5 for highway cruising.
TY!!! It was the 5.3/6spd/3.42- which I never felt it really lacked power, even towing 7k+ on I75 north past West Branch. Just dropped to 3rd and the truck wanted to walk right up the hill gaining speed! Just needed more payload! So far just driving the new "beast" empty like the power, and non-AFM!!! Lol
T/H/M5 when towing, correct? Did pretty good driving north today in D. I wasn't thinking Blue as my first choice, but the better half liked it for first choice! The more I looked at it, the more I could see us in a Blue truck for a lot longer (at 13yrs now & counting! Indigo Blue, Imperial Blue & now the BlueTopaz)!
bmanning wrote:
Congrats! How many miles are you planning to put on it over the weekend? LOLRoad Trip!!
We headed north from Mid-Mi to Traverse City today! Slowly adding them up!
NC Hauler wrote:
I REALLY like the color, I could be wrong, but the 01' Chevy 2500HD that I had with the 8.1 was that color,or v...least it looks like it...Congrats on the truck:)
I had a 2k Chevy 1500, and it was Indigo Blue which is probably what you had (could be wrong though). TY!
alexleblanc wrote:
nice truck, seems to be an extremely popular combo too - I must of seen about 2 dozen 2500 GM trucks (2011-2013) gassers while at Normandy Farms and Bayleys a week ago. Let us know how you like it with the 20" wheels, sure looks sharp.
Would not have chose the 20's if I ordered the truck, but you get what is available at year end, right!? My only concern with the 20's is tire selection when the time comes. I like BFG A/T's and the Cooper A/T3's. We travel north in the winter to go snowmobiling, and that is the biggest concern. In-laws have a cabin in Ont, Canada and you never know what the weather will be snow wise while your there.
So far, 200+ miles, they seem fine. TT is a little over 7k loaded, so won't be real close to max so I don't that is a concern. Time will tell. One thing on the "mod" list to visit Discount Tire and have them remove the regular wheel weights currently on the wheels!!!! See if the can get the "inside" weights to work!
1oldtruck wrote:
Can you post fuel economy numbers after you drive it a bit? Great looking truck.
Will do!!! Our trip north today- Mid-Mi to Grayling when we filled up to see h ow "scary" the mpg were, highway driving mostly 70, with some 60-77ish to "vary the speed", 145 miles/ just under 9 gals (8.9?? -can't remember, slip is in the truck)=16mpg!!! Now the city may be another story! Lol I know the truck is brand new, just thought I would tell you what I found so far! Will fill up once we are ready to hit the highway again tomorrow to see what the city/ country 55mph mpg was.
Again, THANK YOU TO ALL for the compliments!!!! It truly feels like the truck is way bigger than our 1500!!! Just a monster!!!