Forum Discussion

dfm's avatar
Oct 25, 2014

new 2015 340flr Open Range

Picking up our new Open Range 340 FLR tomorrow. Looking forward to all of the additional room and storage capacity. Also installing a Reese straight line Dual Cam hitch.
I hope the dealer's techs know what they are doing on Hitch installs, so I don't have to intervene and tell them what to be checking/measuring/ weighing. I'll be watching closely.
  • We picked up the trailer on Saturday and stayed in it that night . All systems worked perfectly. We spent 4 hours on the walk thru checking every drawer/light switch/tap and every system out.Then transferred all of our stuff from the old trailer to the new.

    We wanted the 340 flr because of the storage in the rear and the front living room.
    I have spent the last 3 days checking every screw for tightness, added a battery cut off switch for the 2 6 volts. Added some screws in the chloroplast basement liner where they had overtightened and stripped off the screw head. Shortened the rear ladder so no chance of it catching something and ripping off the trailer. Re-winterized it until we head for Arizona in January. Added a memory foam to the bed, Darn those mattresses are firm!!
    We are going to love this floor plan.
  • keymastr wrote:
    Very nice. Have had my eye on one as well. Just wondering why you preferred the front lounge over the rear. I am curious because the RLS model is essentially the same trailer flipped around.

    We have the Roamer 288FLR, which has some similar features. The rear bedroom is nice for back-in sites so our bedroom overlooks the campsite and nature, as opposed to overlooking the back of my truck and the road. We tend to spend more daylight time outside than inside, so the rear living arrangement isn't of that much value to us. I had looked at the Journeyer 340 FLR, but it was a tad taller and heavier than we wanted for our 3/4 ton truck---but other than that I like it a lot.
  • Looked at one last weekend at the RV show. Really nice layout. Huge rear storage area. Wife and I both really liked it, but it's about 1'6" too long for our parking spot.
  • The forum is Lots of nice people and great ideas! Hope you enjoy yours as much as we do ours!
  • Very nice. Have had my eye on one as well. Just wondering why you preferred the front lounge over the rear. I am curious because the RLS model is essentially the same trailer flipped around.
  • Congrats! We think that is the perfect floor plan. Just wondering did you get the patio option, or did you see any with it? That is something we are curious about for "real world" use.
    Regardless, enjoy your new trailer, it sure is a nice one.