We just installed a Coleman 9200 and while the fan only runs you can't tell its even on on the outside. Yes you can hear the compressor when it kicks in but not all that noisy. We were told by camper repair guy that did all the work that the smallest unit that does the job is than better than overkill since the larger units will cycle more often and shorten the compressor life. Our camper is a 1990 Shadow Cruiser 9.5 and believe me it cools that puppy down REAL good! The Honda 2000 runs it fine but not the microwave at the same time without overloading the gen. We were also instructed to run AC on High in high humidity to prevent freeze up of the unit. We've followed their instructions without issue. On our living quarters house trailer with a 13500 AC unit we had to run two 2000 to run the AC. Your call tho.