JumboJet wrote:
Butch50 wrote:
As requested this is a couple pictures of the camper loaded on the truck. I have the truck leveled up so I can run the fridge and get ready for the Branson Gathering next week. If you can kind of see the truck sits pretty level.
"run the fridge" Are you kidding? Well, maybe to keep things in the frig from freezing! :)
I have a trailer brake magnet that you can wire in and make the Dodge think it has a trailer behind it. Would that work?
Does your RAM have the built in brake controller?
Hi Jim,
When are you taking off for PA? Take your time and have a safe trip do be careful it looks like they are getting a lot of weather out that way.
Yes, I have the built in brake controller. I have it figured out now. It is just a push of the button in the center console. It stays disabled as long as I want it to.
Yea I know we might not need a fridge in Branson. Just put the stuff outside and let it freeze and then move it into the fridge and use it like and icebox.
Everybody have and Happy Thanksgiving and don't eat to much turkey. :B