Forum Discussion

monkey44's avatar
Nomad II
Mar 02, 2014

New Chevy 6.0L gasser -- Octane?

Just bought the new Chevy 2500HD with 6.0L gas ... and wondering what you guys run for octane.

And why you choose it? -- The 'why' is important too ... because it's not just about mpg, it's about engine performance and wear as well.

Doesn't bother me to buy higher octane as long as it benefits performance ... but am not sure if it makes a difference in the computer fuel management on these new 6.0L engines.

In the HD trucks - it does not offer the 'cylinder selection' option, so it always runs on all eight. The truck is 'labeled' a flex-fuel engine, but I don't really think that matters at this stage ... trucks have been flex-fuel for several years, without that label on the gas cap.