campinia wrote:
So, an update on our first night in our shiny new trailer. As I was typing the last post, my son sat up in the middle of the bunk bed and proceeded to barf all over the mattress. Guess which mattress I haven't sprayed with scotch guard yet! Luckily we are camping 5 miles from home so I could clean it with stain spray. Looks like it will leave a big spot anyway. Fun times, at least I was able to get through it without too much gagging! I hope the spot isn't too noticable.
Rent a rug doctor with the hand held attachment. It will help get the stain and residual out. There are some good carpet cleaning concentrates to use in it that will work with enzymes to get ride of all odor. These types of products are used on pet urine stains too.
Congrats on the trailer. I've had my KZ for 2.5 yrs and it has been great.