I'm going the opposite way. Don't know the true specs on your TV, but it looks like you're forgetting to allow for some wiggle room. Most feel like 1000# to spare is good or them is some % figure, like 80% max or 90% max...can never remember which it is. If you can get the #s off the label inside the driver's side door and post those, it'll help. Trucks that look the same aren't one size fits all.
National Parks are great, but don't always allow space for larger TTs and having 2 slides could eliminate some if you're looking at wooded sites.
Personal opinion is that the 30' max will get you into most anywhere with ease, you should be plenty safe with weight, and a single slide will give you room to shift at the site if need be. We have a 26' with the huge rear window, but it has a very deep slide, so we have lots of living space. Not a believer that bigger is always better.
Happy shopping!