Forum Discussion

trikepilot's avatar
Jun 29, 2018

Long overhang and dragging hitch delima--solutions request

I just sold my old Class C motor home which had no trouble getting up my steep driveway. I had to hit it at just the right angle and the skid bar on the back frame rail would occasionally just touch the ground for a half inch or so. Now I am in the market for a class A and I am looking for a used coach that will have to fit my wife's preferred floor plan as much as possible, but primarily it has to get up the drive.

We are looking at gas coaches and diesel coaches (don't get me started there) so before we start looking in depth, I would like to ask the considerably knowledgeable folks here if there is a direction that I should focus my search. Our previous class C had an 11 foot overhang and the skid (which was the fist thing to make contact) was 17 inches off of flat ground. Does anyone even make a class A with that kind of rear end clearance?