Congrats on the self fixing!
As a suggestion, based on my own self-awareness, I drew a diagram of my winterize valves. What they look like in both in-use mode and winterize mode. I'm really dyslexic and once mildly frustrated, it's down hill form there. I did a web search when I got our TC and collected all the info/manuals I could find on all the 'stuff" in our TC. Printed it all out and it lives in a drawer in the TC, with my valve drawing and a list of procedures for start-up and storing. Just makes life easier. Lists are good.
AND..... when draining the HW tank for winter, remember to open the bleed off valve BEFORE unscrewing the tank drain plug/anode rod.....Trust me.... If you don't, you'd best wear a diaper and goalie equipment and ear plugs......