Forum Discussion

RAllison's avatar
Apr 02, 2017

New Outback Super-lite 328RL

IN the process of finishing a deal on a new Outback 328RL with a new Equalizer hitch.Been pulling a 5th wheel for 15 years so this old dog is going to have to learn some new tricks.Will probably see me on here posting bunches of questions over the next few months until I get my routine down pat. Thanks for the answers and suggestions ahead of time.
  • We went from a 32' 5th wheel back to a 32.5' travel trailer last year. I don't notice any difference towing except for a little push from crosswinds and passing trucks. The ride is actually better with the travel trailer. I use a Reese HP trunion style with integrated cams in the bars incase I one day add the DC arms. So far I haven't felt I've needed them. The Equalizer is a good choice and seems to be the most popular. Backing into a spot is actually easier with the travel trailer as the pivot point gives leverage so the trailer reacts to the steering wheels of the truck instead of waiting for the rear of the truck to change course.
  • Yes I'm getting the equal-i-zer hitch will be pulling it with my 2002 F350,V10. Probably pull with it until we retire. Been a great truck 258000 miles with the 5th wheel.
  • Looks like a beautiful rig...
    Just a mentioned equalizier hitch. Equalizier can be a generic name for almost any weight distribution hitch. Are you talking about the "Equal-i-zer" brand hitch? If so, that is good/

    Other real good choices are Reece Dual Cam and Blue Ox Sway Pro.

    Anyway, enjoy your new trailer.
  • like dutchmen sport we have a 295RE (like a 298 but no bedroom slide). I agree with his coments. we have a Reese Dual cam and tow with a 2500HD crew cab diesel. Biggest issue we have is making sure we can get into a campsite with the overall length. tows great.
  • Congrats on your new purchase! You're going to love that Outback. We have the 298RE (Rear living room with windows on all sides. Kitchen is in the middle, no island. We've enjoyed this camper so much! By far the best one we've had yet. Not only for the space, but the camper itself it is very good. We spend a lot of time in it, and we've traveled a lot with it. Actually, we slept in it last night.

    Your's is 37.4 feet long, mine is 35.5 feet. We use an Equal-i-zer hitch also. The camper tows great! Not ever a hint of problem. We have an integrated brake controller and tow with a diesel 3500 duly. The ride is flawless. I'm sure yours will be too!

    The only thing you REALLY need to ALWAYS need to be aware of is the actual length behind you. Be aware when turning sharp turns (like in town at intersections) the trailer rear has a wide swing. But we have NEVER found ourselves in a situation where this was a problem, but by planning the turn as soon as possible, or just taking the next intersection can make a BIG difference. (we've driving straight through some intersections in town where we wanted to turn, and came around a different way, but here again, never a problem).

    Good luck with your new camper!

    And, by the way, if you haven't found it yet, there is a forum specific for Outback RV owners: Click here. You might find this helpful for questions specific about Outback.