campingken wrote:
The Rams have really improved over the years. We have a 2003 3500 Quad cab 4x4 5.9 that we bought new. It has a GVW of 9900. It is not the HO model (235 HP and 460 pounds of torque) yet the best we get empty on the freeway at about 65 mpg is 20 -21 mpg.
The new trucks have more payload, torque, HP, creature comforts, better MPG,and can tow more then the older Dodges.
I've gotten 27 out of my 2005 on a trip that was 60MPH for 150 miles or so but who drives 60. I also hand calculated a 591 mile trip once that returned 22.5 and there was so stop and go on each end and also some idle time while we were out of the truck site seeing. Also for the record as they are at the moment the 2005 2500 will out tow my 2013 3500 any day of the week and twice on Sunday but it's not an Apples to Apples comparison either. ;)