TurnThePage wrote:
I think you are overlooking a very large segment of society in your snide retort.
It is almost a certainty that there are absolutely no people who are changing or cancelling their vacation plans because the cost to enter Yellowstone or Yosemite National Park has increased $5.00. That is just a preposterous notion to consider. And even if there were such people, the government offers a very good alternative, which is they can visit the park of their choice on one of the free admission weekends throughout the year.
You apparently have a very dim view of the current conditions people are encountering in the USofA. The fact is the unemployment rate is hovering around lowest percentage it has ever been. Median household income is over $59,000 per year, which is also the highest ever reported. Goods and services are readily available, no Venezuelan shortages here.
People who are struggling are likely struggling more do to their own personal choices, both past and present, than they are because of some flaw in the US and it's economy. That position is amply supported by economic data rather than two people standing around griping about their lot in life and wishing for a return of the "good ole days", which when viewed objectively, weren't all that good.