OK after 2 1/2 hours of searching Google reading anything creditable I finally found on a Dakota forum this. "
Dakotas were/are all made at Warren Truck(Dodge City) Plant in Michigan---BUT some 1993-1996 Dakotas were built at a jeep plant on Toledo OH.
11th digit of Vin: W Toledo,Oh "
LINK However I find it odd that no where and I mean no where else can you find any reference that the Dakota was ever built in Toledo. Also I have talked to people that work at or have worked at the Stickney plant and no one said they built Dakota's. So if you care to post your vin showing a W as the eleventh digit I will be more then happy to admit I was wrong. But all the info I have points that I'm right.
I also find this strange, Digit 11: (Assembly plant) should always be S (Warren, MI) a different Dakota/Durango fan site.
LINK So who's right?