Forum Discussion

Wildcat63's avatar
Aug 07, 2012

New Solar Panel

Today I picked up a 5 watt Solar panel trickle charger It is weather proof and came with clamps for the battery posts or a cigarette lighter plug in. My big question is This week we are headed out for 4 days of dry camping and I am wondering if I could just leave the panel flat on the pop up's roof and if it would stay there without screwing in to the roof or if I would be better off just propping it up into the sun down at ground level.

My fears about just leaving it on the roof is it would blow off, my concern with it at ground level is someone may walk off with it. Would a bungee cord over it do the trick to keep it from blowing around?

Any ideas would be appreciated.

  • Put in on the ground and move it from time to time to point at the sun.
  • Thanks for all the advice, I am not looking for keeping the battery fully charged the whole time I am camping just extend the life of it an extra night or two, we really don't use much electricity just the water pump, cassette toilet, and lights at bed time and if hot enough a bunk end fan or two. It would have to be almost snowing before I would think of using the furnace.

    I always carry an extra battery in the storage trunk but I am hoping to avoid having to swap batteries in the dark like the last time. I mainly bought it to help keep up the battery on my old pickup I rarely drive but figured I would try it out with the pop up since I have it.

    I will figure out a couple of Bungee cords to secure it on the roof with something to prop it up with. We will be about as far north in the continental US you can get so I doubt I could get an optimal angle without some sort of brackets.

    Thanks for the input

  • I would put a bungee or strap on it. Even the smallest amount of shade will cut power from very very little to virtually nothing. So don't just put a strap over the top of it.

    5w is best for maintaining a fully charged and disconnected battery when in storage.
  • IMO 4 days dry camping should be ok, as I doubt you'll be using the furnace!
  • If you're going for 4 days I hope you have a generator. Don't sweat somebody stealing that panel.
  • I hope you realize 5 watts will charge very very little. It is mostly to keep an already charged battery charged.

    I use one to keep our Ford Expedition battery charged, as we mostly just use it as a tow vehicle and battery will discharge if unused for months.

    Sorry, can't help on location.
  • Hi Wild,

    I'm sorry to say 5 watts will not even keep up to parasitic loads.

    I would bungee cord it to the roof and try to tilt it towards the sun. Use a pencil at 90 degrees to the panel and set it for the least possible shadow.

    You may simply want to return it--if it is NIB.