Forum Discussion

George3037's avatar
Nov 29, 2017

New to me Trailer and some mods

New to the forum. Now that I've retired I decided to get back into some part time camping. I recently purchased a used 28' GulfStream Innsbruck and have been working on it the past month. Of course I've had to buy the usual things to stock the trailer such as cords, adapter plugs, tools, hoses, etc. then did some mods. So far I've installed a new CO / propane detector, an additional over the air directional antenna, built and installed a rear generator mount carrier, and replaced all 5 tires which were in great condition but 7 years old.
I bought a Predator 3500W inverter generator for camping off grid. Ran it for 5 hours with a 75% load to break it in and changed the oil. The owners manual is confusing and lists different break in time periods. It runs very quiet at 23'. I measured 55-56 db using 3 different apps downloaded on my phone.
Looking forward to reading the posts here and posting some pics when I figure out how to do that.
  • On the generator mount, did you tie it directly to the frame? Did you make sure your frame can support the kind of torque load a bouncing generator on a torque arm can generate? Also did you check your tongue weight with the generator on the back and other camping stuff loaded to make sure you're at at least 10% tongue weight.

    The first couple questions are mostly about the safety of whomever is behind you if the generator decides to rip a chunk out of the frame (happens all the time with bikes and rear bumpers). The last question is about both your safety and everyone else on the road with you, having too little tongue weight has a severe negative impact on handling and can lead to dangerous sway.
  • George, welcome to the forum!!

    Don't give up on photos -- there is a special app, designed by our moderator 1492, that makes it a snap. Just go to this link, select your photo, copy the code that pops up in the box, and paste the code into your posting:

    Thanks so much, 1492!

    Give it a try! You will like it.
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    Guess I have to have more posts. Also don't see any way to delete my own posts using the edit function.
  • I'll try again. I think in my first attempt the pics were too large.

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    Resized pics to less than 640 and used pic posting but still not allowing me to post.
  • Well, I'll see if this works.

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    I guess not. Maybe as a new member I have to wait a while before I can post pics. Anyone know how many posts before I can post pics?