Forum Discussion

bsqrd's avatar
Feb 10, 2022

New travel trailer delivered with bubble along the edges

Our new 2022 Lance 1985 travel trailer came with about 2 inches of a bubble (1/2 inch high), on the roof, along the left and right edges, the full length of the trailer. I mentioned it to the dealer and they maintain it is normal. I've not been able to find anything on line either way but the issue concerns me. I read on another blog that an old thread explained why this is normal. My roof material is TPO. Does anyone have any information?
  • bsqrd wrote:
    Also - not sure on how to post a photo. I saw the icon for posting an image but it requires a full URL. A URL into my computer's fine system? I think not.

    No need to worry about THAT. This site isn't capable of doing anything with "a URL into my(your) computer's file system."

    The URL would be into the web server upon which you have placed the file.
    (before posting a picture within text, it must first be on a host website)
  • Also - not sure on how to post a photo. I saw the icon for posting an image but it requires a full URL. A URL into my computer's file system? I think not.
  • Sorry - the bubble was on the roof membrane and along the edge on both sides of the travel trailer.
  • bsqrd wrote:
    Our new 2022 Lance 1985 travel trailer came with about 2 inches of a bubble (1/2 inch high) along the left and right edges, the full length of the trailer. I mentioned it to the dealer and they maintain it is normal. I've not been able to find anything on line either way but the issue concerns me. I read on another blog that an old thread explained why this is normal. Does anyone have any information?

    What edge are you referring to? If it's on the roof it's probably normal. If it's in the fiberglass on the sides I would think not normal.
  • some one tell me how this is normal? I know nothing about it. so I would not except it.not being a smart butt, just wanting to learn somthing.
  • β€œ Give your trailer mfg a 1-800 for their input.”

    And document the call with a post call letter. But bubbles on a roof are common.
  • You mean in the roof membrane? Yes, normal and mine didn't grow or have any problems over the 13 years I owned it.
  • It can be common. My 1997 32' 5er has 3' spots on the top edge like that on both sides. Some have said their new rv came with what you described but after about a year they disappeared.
    Give your trailer mfg a 1-800 for their input.