Forum Discussion

TC_campers's avatar
Jul 06, 2014

New travel trailer expectations

Hello fellow campers. Purchased a new travel trailer last week. First trip for the 4 the weekend. Fresh water tank fell out at mile 105 and was drug down the interstate until fellow motorist flagged us down. Hole in the bottom skirting, many wires wore completely through, hole in water tank. None of the camper electrical works. Trailer lights seems fine. Home we went.

My question to the experienced rv crowd. What should I do? Insist on a new one, settle for repairs, be compensated for my loss of use
  • I'd ask for (in this order) the sales contract cancelled, a different trailer with a thorough inspection, the trailer brought back to it's original functionality immediately.
  • There are horror stories all over this and other forums about brand new trailers having issues like this. My advice is to work with your dealer to see if you can have this one completely repaired to showroom condition or a brand new one built faster. If you get this one repaired, have your dealer agree to a third party inspection, arranged for by you and paid for by them. Without it, I would have little if any confidence in the built and quality control on the camper. I am curious as to the make and model. I hope your second trip is better than your first. Sorry!
  • I would suggest a new TT. How long is it going to take for repairs? Are you willing to wait or do you want to go now? This should all be warranty, unless you did something wrong, not saying you did.
    If the electrical was not caused by the tank falling off then I would think I would want a new trailer for sure. Sounds like a lot wrong and you haven't even used it to see what the normal little things there are wrong with a new TT.
    Make sure they check the frame, axle and everything underneath for damage if you keep that TT.
    Good luck... We really feel for your family.
  • Wow! is the first thing that comes to mind. WOW! I'm sure you were pissed and disappointed. It's hard to imagine something like that happening to a new trailer.

    Can it even be repaired to showroom condition? I would insist on it at no charge. I would think that since your vacation was ruined that they should throw in a couple hundred $ worth of equipment. Maybe free LP tank refills for 5 years. Just wow