Thank you Jim - really appreciate your quick response!
To clarify, my GVWR and Payload values are from the weight sticker inside of the driver door of the truck. To answer your other questions, the sticker states:
- Payload: 1330 lbs
GVWR: 6600 lbs
F GAWR: 3450 lbs
R GAWR: 3350 lbs
If it helps, I also weighed the truck yesterday at a CAT scale. I filled it full of gas and weighed it with me outside of the truck. Here is the actual truck weight:
- Steer Axle: 3060 lbs
Drive Axle: 2240 lbs
Gross: 5300 lbs
So, it looks like my rear axle payload is 3350 - 2240 = 1110 lbs? If my wife and I travel in the front, is most of that weight part of the front axle limit? It's a good thing we aren't chubby because the front axle rating would limit us to roughly 200 lbs each haha.
To answer your last questions, 620 of guests would be me (180 lbs), wife (150 lbs), 2 children at 100 lbs, and a 90 lb dog. Correct on the water - I meant filling the trailer at the camp site, not the truck.
Thanks for walking me through this! I understand that the easiest route is to weight the entire trailer/TV setup. However, I am not sure how to take into account when purchasing a trailer.