RobertRyan wrote:
FishOneOne wrote:
Yes it does matter.... Watch a few minutes of this video and perhaps you may understand! "Made in the USA" means a lot to some people... Perhaps that doesn't include you!
You are going to see more not less production moved south. Mexico's infrastructure is now more comprehensive than the US, for building Automobiles and from what I gather build qualities are better.
All of the relocation to Mexico, has done it wonders
Both Canididates say they want to keep US Jobs, but their rhetoric is going to upset Mexicans and others, probably resulting in more not less Automotive jobs being lost
Sorry I offended you... Not!
I totally disagree. The Japanese have been building their factories in parts of the USA where unions are week and there's nothing like American Pride you couldn't comprehend.
The only infrastructure in Mexico is the drug cartels and vacation resorts.