Grit dog wrote:
Personally I find it hard to complain about much with the new trucks other than price,lol.
Idk about the new model Ford SDs but the previous gen F250s have the lowest bed height by a good margin. They don't have the blocks in back like most others and are almost reverse leveled coming from the factory.
Worth looking into....
I don't tow a 5ver so I don't have an issue with bed height.
Actually, my 13 250 has the two inch block, compared to the 350 with 4" block. Even so, my truck sits fairly level when empty, which is what I wanted to tow my FW more level.
The new model 250s that I recently looked at, had the same 4" block that the 350 did, less one spring. Both models are tall.
BTW, it's never too late to get a 5ver, while your still young enough to learn to back one.:B :C