Forum Discussion

MookieKat's avatar
Aug 27, 2013

New TT off-gassing period?

How long does it take for a new TT to stop off-gassing? I have problems with the fumes from new trailers. It makes me feel ill.
  • Great news!! Somene mentioned in my other thread that there are "green" TTs out there!! I have just done some research, and "goevergreen" is one of them. Also, I was told that "Lance" was another, and I found "skyline."

    We called goevergreen and talked with them for quite a while. No odors, they said. Thing dealers in our area have them yet. But, there will be a dealer to start carrying them, only 30 min. from our house!! Yay!! I can't wait to walk into one of them!!

    I felt ill after going in and out of all the new TTs when we were out shopping. the odor saturated my hair and clothes and I kept smelling it all night even after returning home!!
  • Never experienced the problem with off-gassing.

    Our current 5'vr was ordered direct from factory, delivered within 10 days of rolling out factory door and we started living in it within a week of delivery.

    Previous trailers were purchased off dealers lot and taken/used immediately.

    Now if is was just me I could understand.........I'm not very sensitive to chemicals etc.
    But GF has a superior nose and is allergic to soaps/cleaners etc.

    I know lots of reports and monies paid out due to FEMA trailers but never have had a problem.
    Thing is 'everything' is made from, homes, phones, food containers etc.
  • After nine years our TT still smells "new" when it's been closed up.
  • When we bought our trailer, we had to leave the windows, vents, cabinet doors open for about a week (we'd close up the door at night of course).

    We also took the mattress out and let it air outside of the trailer (under our porch) for the same time period.

    This was in July, so weather was in our favor and we didn't have any issues because it was parked next to our house.

    My MIL was very allergic to formaldehyde and after that week, she was able to go inside and check out our new TT with no ill effects.

    That's just what worked for us. I hope you are able to find an easy solution too.

  • I never experienced that myself. But it may take quite awhile. The people here will have some suggestions about removing the stench!
