Looking @ 500 lbs of passengers with kids. As they get older that number will increase dramatically. Right now the combined weight of 4 kids is 155 lbs. We are going to load the Yukon up with kids and gear we plan to have in TV and hit the scale. We looked @ the Expy EL. I have an EcoBoost F-150 and love the performance of that but ultimately we settled on the Yukon. Not an option now to swap TV's. We are looking @ camping close to home within 1 hour our first season so we will most likely take two vehicles at this point.
Website states 5775 Curb Weight and 1725 for Max Payload (Although the door says 1469 for max Payload) to get to the 7500 GVWR. Calculating 800 lbs for TW, we are left 925 lbs of people and cargo in TV.