"Wouldn't a 10% increase in HP for the Cummins still make it have less HP than the competition?
385 Current
39 10% increase
424 new HP
440 right now for the Ford
445 right now for Chevy
Or am I missing something?"
I said "left in the dust and astounding" On the Dyno I am willing to bet the BIG "C" will be on top hp wise.
Add 20 percent to the current 900HP and it will be "astounding" at 1,080 TQ!
Who knows what will happen but it will be BIG.
I had ZERO issues with my HO 11 RAM for 65k with at least 1/2 towing 27-29K. My oil analysis always came back with less than .05 percent fuel dilution so basically nothing.
Yes the first couple years the 6.7 had issues but they were taken care of. Can't say the same for many 6.0, 6.4 and 6.7 customers.