Forum Discussion

rvhippo's avatar
Apr 26, 2014

No Shower Surround

I'm buying a new 2015 Jayco X213 and the shower does not have a plastic surround. The shower stall is just what looks like vinyl wallpaper with caulk at the corners. I've noticed that there are several staples through the wall paper. Will these staple holes allow water to get behind the wall paper or rust when the shower is used?

I've looked at five new X213 trailers and they all have these staples through the wallpaper. Two actually had wood screws poking out through the wall paper in addition to the staples.

Is the design such that the entire wall is waterproof or is just the wallpaper waterproof?

Thanks in advance for any advice.
  • This company sells all sorts of shower stuff. (I don't know why but after posting, I cannot access website)
  • Over the past few years this question has come up from time to time, so must be the way Jayco is doing things these days. I wouldn't even consider using the shower without some type of surround. The one in our ROO and now in our Rockwood have prefab molded panels that are trimmed with some sort of vinyl seal at the top, but left unsealed at the bottom. Consensus seems to be that is to allow for any water than might get behind to drain out. Also, the shower pan has a lip that this surround fits over, so water getting behind would be a slim chance. Personal opinion is that it not only looks cheap but is just a problem waiting to happen. Adding the surround as suggested above is likely your only choice, but you're going to have to cut and trim it to fit well and be completely sealed. Before signing on the dotted line, I would ask the dealer to confirm that there is no surround available to be added or special ordered. I don't care for the idea of plain wallcovering and water.
  • tragusa3 wrote:
    what is frp? I need something on mine!

    Fiber Reinforced Plastic--It is sold in 4' x 8' sheets at the Big Box stores. Last time I bought sheets it was around $20/sheet. Pick up the right surround glue when you buy your sheets. Some stores will have it in colors and it usually comes with one side textured, one side smooth.
  • I looked one up online just to see and it didn't have any surround either. It sounds like this is standard factory operation on that model although I've never seen that before.:h
  • I glued frp to the walls of my travel trailer. It has worked well for years.
  • rvhippo wrote:
    Is the design such that the entire wall is waterproof or is just the wallpaper waterproof?.

    I had a 2010 X17 with what sounds like the same wallpaper but with no punctures other than the ones I put there when mounting my shower caddy. Those were well sealed with silicone bathroom caulk.

    The wallpaper is waterproof. I do not know about the structure behind but I would assume that it is not. Staples and screws poking through sounds terrible and I guess they must have given up compeletely on QA.

    I suggest taking good close up photos with a real camera of these staples and screws and then sending the photos and asking the dealer what can be done about it. You can also contact the Jayco dealer Rep and see what s/he says about that after seeing the photos.

    If you can find a way to seal off these breaks in the waterproof wallpaper then you should not have problems with water incursion behind. But you also should not have this in the first place.
  • Sounds like future trouble to me. Call the factory about it, see what they say.
  • rvhippo wrote:
    I'm buying a new 2015 Jayco X213 and the shower does not have a plastic surround. The shower stall is just what looks like vinyl wallpaper with caulk at the corners. I've noticed that there are several staples through the wall paper. Will these staple holes allow water to get behind the wall paper or rust when the shower is used?

    I've looked at five new X213 trailers and they all have these staples through the wallpaper. Two actually had wood screws poking out through the wall paper in addition to the staples.

    Is the design such that the entire wall is waterproof or is just the wallpaper waterproof?

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    They cheaped out.
    You can add a surround. I would.

    Lot's of people don't use their showers, or even bathrooms for that matter. So I guess for them, this is fine.