Forum Discussion

c_traveler2's avatar
Dec 30, 2018

No TC's allowed

From time to time we all hear about places that don't allow Truck Camper, but yet never seem to run into these places. A posting was place on one of the Facebook sites I belong to and sure enough there it is a RV place that states NO Truck Campers. I admit this is the first time I've ever come across a place that said No TC's period!

The Great Out Doors

I personally wouldn't stay there anyways..too pricey!!!
  • Hilton Head Island Motor Coach Resort doesn't even allow trailers.
  • There's a resort a few hundred from me that only allows class A. It's in a very high brow neighborhood, so I guess they consider the A to be the high brow RV?
  • There are places around like this - sort of snooty, nose in the air places that cater to a certain client. Probably also have rules about no rig older than 5 or 10 years, no children, etc. They have their place I suppose, but certainly not on my list of places to see or stay. And since my 5th wheel is over ten years old I probably wouldn't be allowed in anyway.:B
  • If it has the word 'resort' in the name, it's probably a good place to avoid.