I have no clue where you got your numbers as in I dump 5 gallons of poop with only an inch of dirt on top...I guess your new to backcountry living!
How do you think these hunting camps take care of there number 2's..Pack it out?..Not in a million years..They bury it or dig latrines..What about all the back packers,how do they do it?..Well this is just one of many suggestions for doing your duty in the backcountry..
If you're camping in a group and/or in the same place for a few days, you may want to dig a latrine. Follow the same steps as digging the single-serve hole above, just make it six-feet long. Instruct your friends to start pooping at one end, filling the trench in with dirt as they go.
None of my currant porta potties holds 5 gallons of anything and putting just an inch of dirt on top..(laughing)..My dog would fall into it then jump in the truck or the camper...How about 1.5 inches of dirt..
I just watched a video on the Northstar 12 footer..Pretty impressive especially the generator setup for a honda(slides right out) and the windows and attachments..Storage up the ying yang and with the "option" for a standard toilet with a black tank for those with know idea how a cassette really works.
A 12 foot non-slide camper weighing under 4500 pounds is quite an accomplishment.