I don't think you would be insulting the dealer with that kind of offer. In fact I might start lower than that 'cause he's going to try to bump you up. It is still a buyers market out there for RVs. It does not seem to be uncommon to advertise them at 1.5 - 2x what they expect to get.
There was a recent thread on buying a camper in Canada you might want to check out. A lot may depend on where and if you have to register it when you get home.
That's good to know. I figured that if I did make an offer the dealer would bump up from my offer, sounds better to start lower, question is how much. @20k Canadian, roughly 17K us dollars it is a fair deal to me, above that and I might as well keep looking. I am not in a real big hurry to purchase, especially on something so expensive, but my apartment situation for work ends at the end of January, and if I can move into the truck camper for the 6 days straight nights I work every other 8 days it certainly starts to save me some rent money that I can use toward payments. I would rather not pay rent at two places, especially since the days I work 13 hour nights I end up working and sleeping, and that's about it for the 6 nights in a row.
I saw on the dealer website that they have to transport the camper approximately 76 miles to the border, where after pre inspection at the lot the new owner meets the dealer on the canadian side at the border. Not sure how much they charge for this required transport though.