Wanted to do 2 separate posts for this.
We were on a trip cross country a few years back, same truck.
After 5,000 mi I decided the truck needed an oil change.
I have not had anyone change my oil in well over 30 years... but felt I needed to have someone change the oil.
So I stopped at a quick change oil business. Went in and asked if they could change oil on my truck with the camper on it.... Yep the could.
They drained the oil and the guy with gray hair came out carrying a filter... I looked at it, CHAMPION was the brand.... WTF? He told me it was the same company that makes Champion Spark plugs. I was leary to say the least. They put it on... and finished up the oil change.
I started the truck and was getting ready to leave... My computer that runs GPS needed to be re-booted so we sat there as VISTA (long boot) did it's thing... All of a sudden there was smoke coming out from under the hood and all around the truck! HOLY CRAP..
Shut down the engine released the hood latch and carefully opened it.. Frickin oil everywhere under the hood!
That OIL FILTER had a pin hole in the seam where the base and body are crimped together.
Needless to say I was furious. They helped me clean up the mess, and gave me new belts.
If that computer had not had trouble I would have ended up in the same situation as you...
The hole was pointed up but if it would have been pointed down my engine would have been toast too!
Need to check that filter under pressure if you can!
If this dealer is not trustworthy I would have someone else look at the situation before the dealer gets to.