Forum Discussion

crazyro's avatar
Oct 27, 2017

Not winterizing outdoor-kept trailer?

Hey guys and gals. Where we live it gets cold but not as bad as most places. We don't carry fresh water and I always dump my tanks when we leave camp. The trailer sits outside, uncovered. Should I worry about any leftover water in the system? At night it probably does get below freezing. We plan on still taking it out on a couple more trips before the year is out so I don't really want to truly winterize it. Thoughts? Teach me oh wise ones. :) This is our first year camping. Loving it so far!
  • crazyro wrote:
    Hey guys and gals. Where we live it gets cold but not as bad as most places. We don't carry fresh water and I always dump my tanks when we leave camp. The trailer sits outside, uncovered. Should I worry about any leftover water in the system? At night it probably does get below freezing. We plan on still taking it out on a couple more trips before the year is out so I don't really want to truly winterize it. Thoughts? Teach me oh wise ones. :) This is our first year camping. Loving it so far!

    Depends on when you are planning to use it again. If not until Thanksgiving. You should winterize it. At least blow out the lines. Only takes a few minutes, and won't cost hardly anything. Getting the water out of the valves in the faucets is most important. Should it freeze in the faucets. It will damage the seals. WalMart sells an adapter to hook air to your city water connection.

    Yes it does get cold enough in Rock Hill to freeze lines in the winter. Especially in December, Jan, and Feb.