From 445 Bainbridge Seattle ferry.
Still have not tried link yet. About 5pm pacific time. Hopefully pics about 8pm ish.....
I did get a 4.3. very pleased with power so far. Seems on par to slightly better than C2500 before the blown Vortec 350. Can definetly tell 1st is lower geared. On freeway running 600 or so rpm less. Now to see how having a 3900 RA vs 6000 springs will be.
If I can get brake controller installed tomorrow. I'll be pulling trailer Saturday with decks to go outside Big Time brewery in U district. Son's are installing these for customer use. Hopefully uasable in a week or so. Maybe two of ten sections Sunday. Or I'll use ihc to pull my trailer. Neither should have as issue with maybe 4000 lbs behind it.