blt2ski wrote:
I've only worked a day. Son's have 3-4 weekend's into it.
Due to C19 restrictions it's only way some places can do sitting service. Tables in bar itself are limited to 30-50% max capacity. Not sure if this can stay after restrictions. If so, they've increased seating another 5-10%. 6-8 months of the year it would be full. Install some roll up side wall/windows. Gas/lp/electric type space heaters.
Could be a good long haul investment for Rick-owner too.
He's to have final permits by this weekend. My Son Rich was down there about 730 this morning getting final screws, supports installed. Not sure if Dan was heading their yet. Then not my son, but might as well be triplet vs twin sons, Chris should be heading down too.
Since about age ten, if you found two of these three, you usually found all three. They all work as supers for same larger home remodeler here in Seattle.
That's awesome you're "helping" the kids with side jobs. Sounds like you have alot to be proud of with them boys.
I've wondered how the permitting/building codes are satisfied with all these new "seating areas". Is it fairly regulated, easy to navigate, money grab by the municipalities?
I manage public works projects, largely WSDOT work, so generally don't deal with permitting unless it's part of the design package and typically higher level like land use, easements and stormwater/waters of the state permitting.