BurbMan wrote:
Good to know. The vinyl planks I saw the big orange store were self-stick glue down, a floating floor makes more sense. Our OEM vinyl is still in OK shape, but we are thinking of re-decorating with a wood-look floor. laminate is a great choice but I need to watch the height with the slide out.
I think one of the issues with OEM sheet vinyl is that they cover the deck as one of the first construction steps, then the flooring is anchored as the install of the cabinets over top of it, so it can't move when it needs to in extreme temps.
I'm thinking of just going over the existing floor rather than cutting it out first.
Yup, you have nailed the cause of vinyl failure correctly. The sheet vinyl is perimeter glued and when they get everything installed, there is just a few feet in the hallways for contraction and expansion.
As long as what you put over your existing vinyl flooring won't telegraph the original pattern, you can cover it. In most situations, it's easier to just cut it out, about a 15 minute procedure.
The Home Depot vinyl plank product, Allure, has a glue strip to lock to the adjoining plank. It is a floating floor. Allure Ultra is a click lock product where the edges fit into each other, also a floating floor. I looked at the Allure products before I did mine and it seems they did not have control of the material ingredients at that time. The vinyl was being made from 25% recycled product, some of it from unknown origin in Indonesia. There were many reports of owners installing it and having chemical reactions, their dogs would lose their hair, and other health issues. HD was offering those folks a complete refund of the purchase price. They now have changed their marketspeak to "15% recycled of known origin". I don't trust them or I would have used the product.