jj95 wrote:
I am not sure, but I don't believe my floor was glued down - I say that because when I walked in it was all bubbled and raised. In one spot I put my hand through the crack and onto the subfloor. Although it might have been glued and the glue just failed in the cold. I hope to get down there this weekend and get a better assessment (and some pics).
My neighbor bought a new 5er today, and mentioned to the dealer what happened to me - they seemed to think this could only happen if I had a leak. I originally thought the same, but I didn't see any signs of it on the subloor or elsewhere (and I had just recaulked the entire camper last summer).
Thanks for the the advice!
If anything, it's perimeter glued--a 4" strip of glue around the outer edges, underneath the walls. This is a common installation technique for some vinyl floors. In your house, it has the whole length of the floor to contract and expand. After they assemble the RV, there is only the small dimension in between the partitions, cabinets, dinettes, etc. It is this capture of the vinyl between the fixtures installed that leads to the ripped floors. It doesn't have the full length of the vinyl to expand and contract and since there is no glue in the middle of the vinyl sheet, it is free to contract too much, hence, the ripping.