Thank you John, that's a post that needs to sticky-ed . With my typing skills it would have taken me days.
It's under one of the bedroom windows, my side.I better check the other side too. When we got it,I didn't pull and reseal with Pro-Flex the windows, just around the edge of the frame. My mistake, which I'm regretting. I did do the trim, though.
I haven't pulled the paneling, yet. So that is how these trailers are repaired. That's going to be difficult. I had taken the canopy/boatloader off to use my hunting camper (another story) last fall and hadn't got around to putting it back on.Putting it back on, I realized the boatloader frame needed some work. It doesn't just rain, it pours, chuckle.
Pressure treated eats aluminum. If you use them together, you have to epoxy coat it. Aluminum boats and pressure treated are a no, no.
They used SPF studs which is mostly spruce, a not very rot resistant wood. So I'm honestly afraid of what I'll find in the wall.The floor goes under two cabinet walls.
Thanks again . At least my hunting camper was a stick and tin. I do have Multicrafter.