Forum Discussion

2edgesword's avatar
Aug 05, 2013

Oil Change...8,000+ Miles?

O.k., I usually pay close attention to items of maintenance but with my son driving the truck half the time (I opt for my motorcycle during most of the Spring, Summer and Fall) I wasn't keeping close track of mileage since my last oil change.

That being the case the last time I changed the oil was before our trip from NY to FL (Ft. Wilderness) in March. I couldn't remember the mileage at the time but we're now in August and I'm thinking it has to be time for another oil change.

I get in the truck on Saturday and the computerized system is telling me another 11% of usage before a change is need. I'm thinking "close enough" and take it to my regular shop to get the oil changed. When the clerk hands me the receipt it says last changed in March at 50,000 miles with the current mileage being 58,000! I'm thinking the computer has to be screwed up and I get out the owners manual to check the maintenance schedule.

Well the manual says the computer determines when the oil should be changed based on vehicle usage and how you drive, but 8,000+ miles seems excessive to me. My concern was the warranty (still covered under an extended warranty) but apparently if you drive like the typical grandmother (no offense) GM doesn't think so.
  • I go up to 12,000 miles between oil changes when I'm towing. And my
    V10 only holds 6 qts to each drop of oil goes through the engine about 3x more than a diesel.
  • If we were living in 1960,I'd be concerned. Today I wouldn't lose a seconds sleep.
  • 8000 miles???I go one year or 25,000 miles and have been. 139,000 miles on the clock and BTW at 10,000 miles I pull a oil sample and send it to Blackstone Labs to make sure all is good.

  • 8000 miles with the DIC showing 11% left sounds about right.
    I changed mine with around 20% and I had 6500 on the clock.
    Probably could have gone more, but we were starting a long trip so I drained it and start the trip with fresh oil.
  • I would not worry about it at all. You do not say what vehicle it is but many modern vehicles are rated for 7500 miles or more. Modern oils are so much better than their predecessors and many people end up throwing away perfectly good oil by changing to early. I go 15000 miles on my 7.3 and my uoa's come back fine. Recently went 9500 on my 6.7 and uoa was also fine (a little dilution).

    If you want you can read more at BITOG
  • Is it possible the oil life % was reset without you knowing it, which restrted the counter at 100% ... say after 4000 miles, or something like that.

    In all my Chevy's (including my car), to reset the oil life %, you turn the key over, but do not engage the engine. You then press the gas peddal 3 times in a row to the floor and stop. This resets the oil %. You then start the vehicle normal.

    It's possible someone could have pushed the peddal 3 times in a row before actually turning the key over. Older (much older) vehicles, you use to have to pump the gas peddal first to pump the gas to the carberator. Sometimes (and I'm old enough to remember this), even I have a tendency to pump first (when it's completely not necessary). That's just part of my eary teen years I guess.

    Anyway, I wonder if the oil % got reset without you knowing.
  • I think the longer change intervals are a testament to the improvements made in motor oils.

    I used to be a guy that religiously changed oil every 3000mi...went to synthetic, stretched that to I'm back on dyno oil (again, much better than it used to be) and changing on a twice-a-year, 7500mi schedule.

    Can't imagine you did one iota of damage to that engine by going 8000mi, and in my eyes your computer verifies that by stating you have 11% life still left.