Forum Discussion

LeBout's avatar
Jun 19, 2013

Okay...someone tell me I'm not weird!!

Sometimes I worry about myself because my love of TTs seems a bit overboard. So, confession time...

I speed up when I see a TT on the road so I can get close and check it out.

When going camping, I seriously ENJOY setting up our TT and have been known to be a little disappointed when the TT doesn't need leveling. (My wife can't understand this.)

Part of the FUN of camping is walking around the CG and looking at other people's rigs.

I LOVE looking online at accessories for my TT.

I LOVE talking about TTs to anyone who will listen.

So someone PLEASE tell me I'm not the only one like this!!! ;)
  • You are not alone. I spend countless hours on rv forums when I'm not camping. I'm somewhat of an rv junkie myself.