Went over the list and comments with my husband. Everything was looking fine.
He did check the connection to the gray tank.
With this all being said, we may of found the problem....for the last 3 years we have not been out as often as we have in past years. So we have not done the usual deep cleaning in the black holding tank (shooting water with a high pressure wand from the bowl area of the toilet).
Well because the last time out which was a month ago we noticed some stink at the beginning of our trip but it went away quickly....my husband decided to do the Calgon and Dawn Soap treatment.....we poured the solution in before we left...threw in some ice. Drove and got to the campsite then my husband ran water in, did a dump then set up for our stay.
After two days we could not take the smell any more, he filled as much water into the holding tank he could, flushed it out, filled again and drained again.....he said that we never had so much "stuff" come out before.
He then put in some new RV chemicals (supposedly stronger then what we have used in the past).....No odors at all.
With all the advice here we were able to determine we have no leaks, broken seals, etc.
And with luck on our side we may of experienced the same issue that rexmitchell mentioned.
We will be able to tell tomorrow.
So I guess the Calgon and soap may of did what it should of, but maybe in a different way that we wanted ??
Thank you all for the help
Denise and Kevin