Not sure anyone is against viar as much as they are enamored with 120v units, which if you have a big ol dp or whatever with storage space out the ying yang they make more sense. However for those of us who have limited space, want the convenience of having it all the time even when we aren’t hooked to our trailer (or as op no trailer but a tc) with no fuss no muss just use it as it is always ready to go no getting it out, plugging it in, hooking it up to a battery etc. viar makes some decent units and have some decent reviews. They aren’t the best but they seem to advertise the most and are probably the most heard of and certainly would work for the majority of people. The op has quite a chore going for whatever unit he ends up with as 8-10 tires going from 20 to 80 psi in a 32,33 inch tire is one heck of a lot of air