Forum Discussion

67avion's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 02, 2013

One Owner Avion TC on Ebay

There has been some discussion of this one owner 1967 C-10 Avion truck camper on the Avion rebuild thread. Notably, the original owner states that the TC is 20 feet long. While we're not sure, it appears that this may be a unique camper with a very large overhang. At any rate, there have been a number of people expressing an interest in finding a first rate Avion for restoration - and while we can't tell if this is as good as it appears without inspecting it - we wanted the Forum community to be aware of this seemingly unique TC. Here is the URL: clicky

  • I think the "deluxe" model had the longer cabover bed. I remember seeing the C-11 model with small plexiglass windows on the side of the extended cabover bed.
  • What are the actual dimensions of the camper? it says on the site that it is "20 feet" long. So the cabover is 6 feet? OK. Is this a C-12? I know that Avion built some very unique campers. I remember seeing one TC that was way over 11 feet. I think that it was fitted on a flatbed truck.
  • He emailed me back. The cabover is 6 ft long!!! I want this one soooo bad... To have a n/s bed in an Avion!!!

    Garry in Kodiak
  • I want... But I am afraid that is too much camper too far away ;-)
    It is amazing that this behemoth has only one jack on the driver's side.
  • 67avion wrote:
    There has been some discussion of this one owner 1967 C-10 Avion truck camper on the Avion rebuild thread. Notably, the original owner states that the TC is 20 feet long. While we're not sure, it appears that this may be a unique camper with a very large overhang. At any rate, there have been a number of people expressing an interest in finding a first rate Avion for restoration - and while we can't tell if this is as good as it appears without inspecting it - we wanted the Forum community to be aware of this seemingly unique TC. Here is the URL: clicky

    If anyone here buys this, i really would like to know how long the cabover is. I was thinking of extending mine when I first bought it, but then realized it meant complete disassembly and re building....

    Anyway coooool Avion!
  • That is an awesome looking camper! Id buy it in a heartbeat if I could.